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Lemurian Heart絕對尊重各位使用者的私隱權,在任何情況下均不會將可識別顧客個人身份的資料出售或出租予第三者。凡在本店訂購產品及/或登記接收電子通訊時提供的資料,我們均會絕對保密,所有資料只作本站的會員聯絡、確認以及完成交易程序。 


1.  如在本網店選購產品,閣下所填寫的資料只會作本店確認購物程序之用。 
2.  閣下在登記接收電子通訊時,所填寫的資料只會用作聯絡用途,以供本店發布有關本店的最新資訊,為閣下提供最佳服務。 
3.  為顧客和會員提供更貼心服務,提高本店服務質素。 
4.  回覆顧客和訪客的查詢。

Privacy Statement

Lemurian Heart ("the Shop") respects the privacy of all users of this website.  We shall not disclose or transfer the identifiable information of any customer to any third party.  Information collected during shopping and/or e-newsletter subscription will be kept strictly confidential, and will be used only for member's communication and shopping confirmation. 

Please note that membership is not required to make any purchase, and subscribing to e-newsletter will not necessarily entitle you to any premium such as "membership price".  It is entirely within your sole discretion to subscribe to e-newsletter.  Upon subscription and provision of your information, it implies that you consent to provide additional personal information other than those necessary to complete the procedures of purchase, and accept the terms of use of those information by the Shop.

Personal datas will be collected from you and kept by the Shop when purchases are made or upon e-newsletter subscription.  We aim to serve you better.  Followings are why we collect those datas and how we use them:

1.  When you make a purchase, the information provided by you will only be used in confirmation of your purchase.
2.  When you subscribe to our e-newsletter, the information provided by you will only be used for communications, so that we can distribute to you news about the Shop and to provide better services to you.
3.  Improve the quality of our services.
4.  To facilitate our response to enquiries made by customers and members.

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